
Heart disease and stroke

Narrowing and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) is a major risk for cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a strong risk factor for heart diseases and stroke.

The hormone oestrogen is believed to have a positive effect on the artery wall, helping to keep blood vessels flexible and allowing blood to flow through. A decline in oestrogen may be a factor in heart disease increase among post-menopausal women.

Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the UK. In fact, coronary heart disease kills more than twice as many women as breast cancer.​

Make sure your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure are at normal levels. Undertake lifestyle changes such as: not smoking, avoid second hand smoke, exercise and follow a healthy diet.

If you are concerned about heart disease or your risk, please see your healthcare professional.

The most common treatment for relieving the symptoms of menopause is HRT. Studies show that if you start HRT before you’re 60, it does not increase your risk of cardiovascular (CV) disease.

Use our Symptom checklist and speak to your healthcare professional who will discuss the benefits and risks of HRT treatment with you.

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Job Code: NON-2022-0120
Date of preparation: February 2022

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